Our projects


Elyse Energy is an industrial SME that develops, finances, builds and operates low-carbon molecule production plants. In France, Elyse Energy has two major industrial programmes: eM-France on e-methanol; and BioTJet on sustainable aviation fuels. Elyse is also actively involved in research and development with the AVEBIO project, and on the Iberian Peninsula with the eM-Iberica programme.


eM-Rhône     Le projet eM-Rhône vise à produire 150 000 tonnes par an de e-méthanol en vallée du Rhône pour offrir aux industriels de la chimie et aux opérateurs maritimes une solution de décarbonation issue d’hydrogène durable et de carbone recyclé.   Cette solution, adaptée aux infrastructures existantes, permet de substituer le méthanol fossile […]
France’s first advanced e-biokerosene industrial unit, enriched with low-carbon hydrogen, in partnership with Avril, Axens, BioNext and IFP Energies Nouvelles.
Production of 500,000 tonnes of e-methanol per year on 4 chemical platforms to recycle carbon and provide the chemical and shipping sectors with a carbon abatement solution.
Production of 1 million tonnes of e-methanol per year from renewable electricity and recycled carbon on 7 production sites in Spain and Portugal.

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