Our team


A team dedicated to your decarbonisation strategy


Nathan Girard
Responsable financement et investissement
Mathieu Bruckert
Chargé de recrutement
Luca Vecchi
Responsable juridique
Julie Lions-Geollot
Dorine Faivre
Chargée de communication
François Lansade
Mathias Bacheley
Sales Manager France
Mélissa Chevalier Ressicaud
Deputy Industrial Director
Olivier Colin
Project Manager
Benoît Decourt
Partner in charge of Products, Sustainability and Public Affairs
Pierre-Louis Delon
International director
Freddy Durán Martinez
Process Engineer
Khalil El Quortobi
eM-France Development Project Manager
Christophe Garot
Methanol Lead Engineer
Alexandre Garnier
Biokerosene development project manager
José María de Gregorio
Project Manager Spain
Stéphane Guillard
Partner in charge of Finance
Jérôme Guyot
Biomass Supply Project Manager
Claire Lahouratate
Adrien Hallé
Environment and Sustainability Manager
Mathieu Hoyer
Business Development Director
Ludovic Izoird
Partner in charge of Operations
Mélanie Jaspart
CCU Design Engineer
François Lacouture
Lead Process
Pascal Penicaud
Axelle Pichon de Bury
Supply chain project manager
David Raminhos
Project Manager Portugal
Lucas Richard
Industrial Risks & Environment Design Engineer
Antonio Jesús Rodríguez Garrido
Cédric de Saint-Jouan
Chairman of the Strategic Committee
Maxime Vigot
Business Development Project Manager

Our latest news


logos d'Hy24, PGGM, BPI FRance, Elyse, Mirova

Elyse Energy secures c. EUR120 million from Hy24, PGGM, Bpifrance and Mirova

In France’s Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port area: Lhyfe and Elyse Energy plan to produce e-methanol from renewable green hydrogen, to decarbonise...

Consultation eM-Rhône: Elyse Energy and RTE publish the project managers’ response to the guarantors’ report

E-CHO Consultation: Elyse Energy and RTE Publish Project Owners’ Response to Facilitators’ Assessment

Elyse Energy announces the opening of an e-methanol plant on the Roches-Roussillon chemical hub

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