In France’s Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port area: Lhyfe and Elyse Energy plan to produce e-methanol from renewable green hydrogen, to decarbonise maritime transport

Nantes and Lyon (France), 11 October 2024  Lhyfe (EURONEXT: LHYFE), one of the world’s pioneers in the production of green and renewable hydrogen*, and Elyse Energy, a European specialist in the production of low-carbon molecules, have announced that they plan to jointly develop the production of e-methanol** from green renewable hydrogen at the heart of the Loire estuary’s industrial and logistics port ecosystem. This project, known as Green Coast, is of major importance for the area and for the entire maritime transport sector, which is seeking to achieve decarbonisation.

partenaires Green Coast

A decarbonisation project in line with a key local ambition


Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port has been committed for several years to decarbonising its activities, which are still heavily dependent on fossil fuels. This transition to energies that are more respectful of the climate and the environment has become a requirement for competitiveness, and even survival, for European ports. This ambition is supported at all levels, in particular by the Pays de la Loire Region and the Saint-Nazaire Agglomération urban community, which are actively supporting the transition underway in the Nantes Saint-Nazaire industrial port area. Indeed, decarbonisation is stimulating the emergence of a new industrial fabric in the region, with European-scale projects creating new long-term jobs linked to these sectors. The Loire Estuaire Décarbonation ZIBaC programme will ensure consistency and the development of strong industrial synergies between the various decarbonisation projects in the estuary area.

The Green Coast Project is part of the Loire Estuaire Décarbonation Pathway


In late 2023, Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port selected Lhyfe to set up an industrial production and distribution operation for green hydrogen*. At the time, Lhyfe presented its plans to build an industrial unit with a renewable green hydrogen production capacity of up to 85 tonnes per day (installed electrolysis capacity of 210 MW), in Montoir-de-Bretagne, to the north of the Multivrac terminal, by 2028.


Nearby, Elyse Energy has positioned itself to produce renewable fuel in the industrial port zone. A synergy between these two project leaders led to the signing of an exclusive agreement to study the feasibility of producing e-methanol** from Lhyfe’s green hydrogen, in order to decarbonise maritime transport. The rest of the production would be used to decarbonise mobility and industry locally (see the financial press release published last July).


This project, called Green Coast, will be located at the Montoir-de-Bretagne industrial port hub, near the quayside.


Elyse plans to produce 150,000 tonnes of e-methanol a year at the site.


Green Coast, which fits in fully with the local industrial context, is part of the “Loire Estuaire Décarbonation” Initiative, supported by France 2030 via the Low Carbon Industrial Zone or ZIBaC call for projects, and led by ADELE, which includes Saint-Nazaire Agglomération, the Estuaire & Sillon association and municipalities, the Pays de la Loire Region, Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port and the Association des Industriels Loire Estuaire (AILE).

The project is currently under development, and is subject to the granting of operating licences, building permits and financial investment decisions. The conclusions of the initial studies will be communicated during 2025.


Decarbonising maritime transport with e-methanol produced from green hydrogen


Decarbonising maritime transport is a key challenge for achieving the dual objective of carbon neutrality and an exit from fossil fuels. The shipping sector, which handles 80% of world trade, accounts for 14% of CO2 emissions from transport in Europe, and is firmly committed to decarbonisation, with several sustainable options for ship propulsion.


E-methanol** produced from renewable green hydrogen* is one of the keys to decarbonising this sector.

*Renewable green renewable hydrogen: more than 95% of the hydrogen produced today – so-called “grey” hydrogen – is derived from fossil fuels. “Renewable green” hydrogen, which is beginning to develop, is produced by electrolysis of water, and therefore requires two components: water and renewable electricity. Its production emits very little CO2 (1 kg of CO2 for 1 kg of green H2 compared with 10 kg of CO2 for 1 kg of grey H2). When this hydrogen is used, the water molecule reforms, emitting only water vapour. Lhyfe, a world pioneer in this technology, has been producing green hydrogen since 2021 and is encouraging the development of a virtuous value chain.

**E-methanol: Methanol, which is the most basic alcohol and a liquid at atmospheric pressure, is a molecule used in the manufacturing processes of many everyday products, such as cosmetics, medicines, resins, plastics, paints etc. Although methanol is currently produced almost exclusively from coal and natural gas, low-carbon alternatives have been emerging for several years, in particular e-methanol produced from hydrogen. The production of e-methanol involves using low-carbon hydrogen produced by electrolysis of water and carbon recycled from industrial processes. Elyse Energy is one of Europe’s leading players in e-fuels.


Although e-methanol production is currently limited to few thousand tonnes a year, in Iceland, the sector is developing rapidly, with nearly 60 major industrial projects under construction around the world, notably in China, Sweden, Denmark, North America and France


France has two major competitive advantages to support the emergence of e-methanol and turn it into a significant green reindustrialisation opportunity – a low-carbon electricity mix and integrated chemical platforms capable of providing the necessary skills and infrastructure. With nearly 600,000 tonnes of fossil methanol imported each year by French manufacturers, and growing demand from major players in the maritime sector for methanol-powered ships, e-methanol offers an opportunity to repatriate production while helping to establish a French industry of excellence.

Jean-Rémy Villageois, Chairman of the Management Board of Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port

“With 70% of its maritime traffic reliant on fossil fuels, Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port is at the centre of a profound change of model that is fully integrated into its strategy. Our company is focusing on the energies of tomorrow to meet the challenges of climate change. As a national energy hub, the Port of Nantes Saint-Nazaire, supported by the region’s economic and institutional players, has taken action on numerous fronts to accelerate its transition and become a low-carbon energy hub by 2050. The Green Coast project, led by Lhyfe and Elyse, adds a new brick to the decarbonisation of the Loire Estuaire industrial area, and also echoes the GO CO2 project to capture and recycle the unavoidable and biogenic CO2 emitted by industrial companies in Pays de la Loire and western France. Green Coast is fully in line with the decarbonisation targets set at European and national level, as are all the actions belonging to the roadmap we have collectively set ourselves to make a success of this transition.” 


David Samzun, President of Saint-Nazaire Agglo

“We are proud of the history of industry in Saint-Nazaire. At the same time, we are aware of its heavy dependence on fossil fuels. Between the Loire estuary, the Brière marshes and the ocean, we know the beauty and fragility of our surroundings. There is an urgent need to protect these commons, and here too we want to put the power of industry at the service of ecology. That’s what we’ve achieved by becoming home to France’s first offshore wind farm, which is now supplying the Loire-Atlantique region with low-carbon energy. This is what we want to achieve tomorrow, together with our industrial and port partners, by responding to the Low Carbon Industrial Zone challenge. Encouraging innovation, decarbonising industry, inventing new value chains, gaining resilience and sovereignty. The challenge is to integrate economic and ecological approaches, and I’m delighted to see and support the Green Coast project, which is ideally located within the industrial ecosystem of our area.”

Christelle Morançais, President of the Pays de la Loire Region

“The decarbonization of our territory, particularly seaport activities, is a lever for attractiveness, industrial dynamism, and development for our region. As President of the Supervisory Board of the Grand Port and President of the Region, I am particularly proud to be able to count on regional gems like Lhyfe – alongside the Lyon-based company Elyse – to bring an innovative solution for maritime decarbonization. Our public-private collective is determined to pursue the ambition of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. This project is a testament to the commitment of our companies to ecology, recognizing that they are moving forward to meet the challenges of innovation, green technologies, and progress to create decarbonized sectors that will make the Pays de la Loire attractive tomorrow.”


Tristan LUCAZEAU, President of ADELE

“The Loire Estuaire Décarbonation initiative, led by a group of industrial and public-sector players and steered by the ADELE association, aims to bring about ecological, energy and economic transition in the region, with a view to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Having won the Low Carbon Industrial Zone call for projects by ADEME and France 2030, Loire Estuaire Décarbonation builds on around twenty projects with the aim of accelerating the transformation of this industrial port area. The Green Coast project is fully in line with this process, through its capacity to massively decarbonise a major part of our economy, namely maritime transport.” 


Pascal Penicaud, Founder and CEO of Elyse Energy:

“Climate change is the challenge of the century. Scientists keep reminding us of this, report after report. The path is both simple and ambitious. To limit its effects and scale, we need to decarbonise all industries, and we need to do it now. We decided to create Elyse to be part of this fight. Our mission is to provide sustainable fuels that are adapted to existing infrastructure, heavy transport and industry. We are delighted to be joining forces with Lhyfe to fight this battle together, at the heart of the Nantes Saint-Nazaire industrial port area, with the Green Coast project. The e-methanol produced by the project will provide a local, low-carbon solution for the shipping industry, while drastically reducing emissions of atmospheric pollutants from ships and contributing to the region’s industrial vitality.”


Matthieu Guesné, Founder and CEO of Lhyfe

“This project, located at the heart of the Nantes Saint-Nazaire industrial port ecosystem, is a beacon of hope. There is an urgent need to move towards a more frugal consumer society, but also to put in place cleaner and safer solutions to decarbonise the uses that we cannot eliminate. E-methanol produced from green hydrogen is one of these solutions, which is particularly well suited to the shipping industry. At Lhyfe, we have been producing green hydrogen since 2021, in the Vendée region in particular, and already have four production sites in Europe. We have mastered this clean technology – our top priorities are the future of our children and the safety of our sites. We now want to put our experience at the disposal of the region, to contribute to the massive decarbonisation of maritime transport and, more broadly, of local industry and mobility. We know Saint-Nazaire well, having built our pioneering Sealhyfe platform there. Together with Elyse, and with the support of the region, we are proud to be leading this important project for the future.”  


Elyse Energy


Founded in 2020, Elyse Energy is an independent French industrial SME pioneering the production of sustainable fuels and low-carbon raw materials. Elyse Energy designs, develops, finances, builds and operates production units for sustainable fuels derived from renewable and nuclear electricity and from carbon recycled from industry or biomass.

Elyse Energy is focused on two products: sustainable aviation fuels and e-methanol for shipping operators and the chemicals industry.

With a team of over 70 employees, Elyse Energy, which is recognised by the French Tech 2030 label, has developed a portfolio of low-carbon molecule production projects in France, Spain and Portugal.

Elyse relies on two reference shareholders with experience in the construction and operation of green molecule and electron production units: Falkor and Vol-V. The company is also backed by two financial partners specialising in sustainable infrastructure: Hy24 and Mirova.



Press contact:
Steven Dolbeau
Anima Conseil
+33 (0)6 12 22 38 71






Lhyfe is a European group devoted to energy transition, and a producer and supplier of green and renewable hydrogen. Its production sites and portfolio of projects seek to provide access to green and renewable hydrogen in industrial quantities, and enable the creation of a virtuous energy model capable of decarbonising entire sectors of industry and transport.

In 2021, Lhyfe inaugurated the first industrial-scale green hydrogen production plant in the world to be interconnected with a wind farm. In 2022, it inaugurated the first offshore green hydrogen production pilot platform in the world.

In 2023, it installed three new sites, and currently has several sites under construction or expansion across Europe.

Lhyfe is represented in 12 European countries and had 200 staff at the end of June 2024. The company is listed on the Euronext market in Paris (ISIN: FR0014009YQ1 – LHYFE).



Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port


As an industrial base for economic development and a regional developer, Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port works in partnership with the Region’s public and private players to enhance the economic and environmental value of the Loire estuary. It provides a strategic interface between land and sea, serving an entire Region and its economy. As an international industrial and logistical platform, it welcomes nearly 3,000 ship calls a year. The port’s activities generate 28,700 jobs (INSEE study 2024 based on 2021 data). It owns 2,722 hectares of land, including a 1,545 ha developed area including port, logistics and industrial zones, and 1,177 ha of natural space. With 70% of its maritime traffic reliant on fossil fuels, Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port is at the centre of a profound change of model that is fully integrated into its strategy. For several years now, it has played a real and recognised role in the development of renewable energies and the establishment of innovative businesses in the region. The company is focusing on the energies of tomorrow and wants to contribute to the development of the hydrogen fuel chain in its port ecosystem, with the ambition of making Nantes Saint-Nazaire the first major port in the Atlantic for hydrogen.



Saint-Nazaire Agglomération


Saint-Nazaire Agglomération regroupe sur un territoire de 318 km², dont 15 600 ha de zones humides, dix communes : Besné, La Chapelle-des-Marais, Donges, Montoir-de-Bretagne, Pornichet, Saint-André-des-Eaux, Saint-Joachim, Saint-Malo-de-Guersac, Saint-Nazaire et Trignac. Alors que la priorité écologique recule face aux crises sociales et institutionnelles que nous traversons en France et en Europe, l’Agglomération est plus que jamais mobilisée pour répondre aux enjeux du réchauffement climatique. Cela passe aussi par un travail partenarial que nous menons avec les industriels de notre bassin économique pour inventer des solutions de décarbonation. Ce qui nous anime : faire chaque jour Saint-Nazaire agglomération un territoire créatif, un territoire d’avenir.



Pays de la Loire


The Region is actively supporting the emergence of hydrogen projects and facilitating national and European support mechanisms. It notably leads the “Planète hydrogène” collective and has already allocated more than 13 million euros to the hydrogen sector across nearly 80 projects and stakeholders, promoting the development of technological platforms, industrial and academic testing centers, as well as innovation and training projects.

The Pays de la Loire region is thus one of the most dynamic territories in this field, with a series of technological firsts in production, mobility, and components, the development of a decarbonized energy hub where hydrogen plays a key role, with a strong link to renewable marine energies, and the recognition at the European level of a Grand Ouest Hydrogen Basin. The region boasts the first green hydrogen production plant, 4 public and as many private distribution stations, over 100 specialized skills in hydrogen, 15 expert laboratories supporting the hydrogen sector, and more than 140 hydrogen projects spread across the entire value chain.

Les Pays de la Loire figurent ainsi parmi les territoires les plus dynamiques en la matière, avec une série de premières technologiques de productions, mobilités, composants, le développement d’un hub d’énergies décarbonées au cœur duquel l’hydrogène joue un rôle essentiel, en lien avec les énergies marines renouvelables, et la reconnaissance à l’échelle européenne d’un Bassin Hydrogène Grand Ouest. La région compte la première usine de production d’hydrogène vert, 4 stations de distribution publiques et autant de privées, +100 compétences spécialisées dans l’hydrogène, 15 laboratoires experts en appui de la filière hydrogène, et 140 projets hydrogène répartis sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur. La collectivité s’engage plus largement en faveur des projets de décarbonation des sites industriels (captage et d’acheminement carbone Grand Ouest CO2, territoire Loire Estuaire désigné Zone Industrielle Bas Carbone (ZIBaC), Grand Port Maritime…).



The Loire Estuaire Décarbonation Association (ADELE) brings together all the local players committed to decarbonising the Loire Estuary by 2050.

It was created in September 2023 by five public and industrial players (Saint-Nazaire Agglo, the Estuaire & Sillon association of municipalities, the Nantes Saint-Nazaire port authority, the Pays de la Loire Region and the Association des Industriels Loire Estuaire), and is responsible for the operational management of the Loire Estuaire Décarbonation programme, supported by ADEME via the Low Carbon Industrial Zone (ZIBaC) call for projects. It acts as the link between ADEME and entrepreneurs, and guarantees funding and the decarbonisation pathway. In addition to the ZIBaC call for projects, ADELE is open to new partners wishing to contribute to the Loire Estuaire Décarbonation initiative.


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